6 Business Reads for Entrepreneurs

These 6 books will guide you on the path of becoming a successful entrepreneur.

These 6 books will guide you on the path of becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Are you ready to become to the successful entrepreneur you’ve always dreamed of? Successful entrepreneurs are risk takers; they are willing to put a lot on the line in hopes of gaining so much more.

Reading is one of the most valuable things a person can do. Reading allows you to gain knowledge, stimulate the brain, and see things through someone else’s point of view. It is critical for entrepreneurs to read in order to understand that you are not alone. Other people are facing the same challenges that you are.

These 6 books are all relevant and can help an entrepreneur become successful.

  1. Entrepreneur Roller Coaster: Darren Hardy

    Hardy’s novel is designed for those who are in their beginning stage of being an entrepreneur. This book explains the rollercoaster of emotions that come with being a successful entrepreneur. There will some highs and there will be some lows. The book is meant to inform you on how to handle the rejection and the self-doubt of being an entrepreneur. Through the rejection and the self-doubt, there will be independent and growth. Darren Hardy has been a successful entrepreneur for over 25 years, and he has now dedicated his practice to mentoring rising and current CEO’s on how to grow their businesses. Hardy encourages strategizing as a way to grow and expand.

  2. The 4-Hour Workweek: Tim Ferris

    Tim Ferris wrote this about how he left his own company so he could live his life the way he wanted: traveling and learning. Ferris stresses the importance of working effectively, not efficiently. People typically judge how successful they were based on how much time they spent doing it, but that is the wrong way to view something because so much time is wasted while working. The importance of writing this book is to allow people to live the liberated life that Tim Ferris is now living. Tim Ferris discusses the importance of freeing yourself from your office job and living your dream lifestyle by being a successful entrepreneur.

  3. Think and Grow Rich: Napoleon Hill

    Napoleon Hill explains that the secret to life is that everything begins with an idea. What you do with that idea is what makes you successful. Entrepreneurs get so overwhelmed because they have these Idas but don’t know what to do with them. Hill stresses the importance of turning those ideas into purpose. You control your destiny; therefore, it is up to you to dictate how you want to live your life.

  4. How to Win Friends & Influence People: Dale Carnegie

    This novel by Dale Carnegie tells you that you can be given any situation and turn it into something that works for you. You can really want a certain job, and then get it. You can want to change your job, and then improve it. This book has been known to carry a lot of people to the top of their success. You can achieve your most amount of potential if you put your mind to it and go after it. Carnegie provides you with many tips and strategies to make people agree with your way of thinking.

  5. Start with Why: Simon Sinek

    Simon Sinek began this movement to preach to the community that the most influential people in this world all speak, act, and think the same way. The way these influential people think are all the exact opposite way the rest of the world speaks, acts, and thinks. This is what separates them from the rest of the world. Sinek established this group of people as “The Golden Circle.” The influential people all begin with the “why factor.” The “why factor” allows someone like Steve Jobs or Martin Luther King Jr. to understand the reasoning behind their movement or idea.

  6. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Stephen Covey

    Stephen Covey’s book is all about self-improvement. Covey explains that the world is completely based off of our own perceptions and the way we see it. If we want a situation to change, we must change ourselves. The only way we can change ourselves is if we change our perceptions. If we have a winning mentality, winning will become a lot more attainable. You must be able to think of the end goal. Without knowing or understand your end goal, you may never reach the end.