7 Ways Makeup Artists get Published in the Media

Getting your name and work out there is an important part of being a successful makeup artist. Getting published in the media allows the makeup artist to gain clients and supporters and could potentially lead to new opportunities and jobs. The following 7 steps are key points to getting published in the media.

  1. Make sure you are confident in your own work before reaching out to potential business partners: If you are not comfortable and confident in your own work, who else will be? Confidence goes a long way. It is important to be ready for any task or question that potential business partners may ask you about your work.

  2. Have a diverse portfolio: Make sure you have mastered all kinds of makeup looks. Do not just present natural makeup looks that plenty of other makeup artists can do; make yourself stand out. Your portfolio should display creativity. Having looks of all different styles shows that you are able to work in many different areas, which makes you more available for job opportunities.

  3. Instead of reaching out to dozens of magazines, reach out to ones that have a targeted approach: It is important to have similar goals and beliefs as your brand. When you reach out to individuals and companies with the same goals as you, they are more inclined to want to work with you. It is difficult to successfully work with others that do not have similar goals as you.

  4. Do your research: Impress the company or brand that you are reaching out to by knowing about them. Presenting to potential business partners knowledge that you already know about them will go a long way. They will be more inclined to work with you because it shows them that you are knowledgeable and care about their company.

  5. Collaborate with other makeup artists: Working with other makeup artists shows that you have experience outside of being a solo artist. It tells potential business partners that you are willing to work together. This is also important because it increases your credibility because you never know if someone else might know them. Knowing more people is very important in the makeup industry because it allows your name to get out there more.

  6. Respond to everyone who reaches out: No company is too small; it can lead to bigger opportunities. You should never think that you are too “big” for a certain job or opportunity. Big brand opportunities are not easy to come by; therefore, it is important to take advantage of every opportunity you get because you never know who you may run into at the smaller jobs.

  7. Stay updated on social media: Create a following! Post often and repost other people’s work as well. Do not just make it about yourself. When you repost other people’s work, they will most likely share yours as well if you have a big following. Continue to follow more people and post regularly!


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