How to Start Your Small Business at Home

Credit: Fit Small Business

Ever since COVID-19, we’ve seen a tremendous increase in the rise of business owners. Nowadays, it’s so easy to get the information you need to start your own small business from home. All you really need is a profitable idea and a laptop with Internet access. Especially with easily-accessible online platforms, such as social media apps like Instagram and TikTok, it’s easier than ever to get the word out. That being said, it’s become harder to understand the real responsibilities you’ll have once you start your business. People love showing you the success from their business, but they rarely show you the hardships they’ve faced along the way. It’s a lot of work to grow a profitable business, but if you understand the difficulties you’ll face and learn to overcome them, you will begin to see the results you deserve. One of the main challenges you’ll face is understanding how to actually begin your business ventures. We’ve talked a lot in the past about valuable tips for new owners, but in this article, we’re finally discussing how you can start your own business right from home.

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1. Develop a Successful Idea

All great businesses start with a profitable idea. Think about all the major brands in the world: Apple, Nike, Adidas, Samsung. They all have unique products that they offer to their customers. These successful brands all started with an idea. If you’re having trouble coming up with a product or service that customers will buy, try considering your talents and skills. Take a moment to think about how your individual skills could translate to a business idea. If you’re passionate about baking, then try selling your baked goods through an online website. One of the more important aspects you should consider is if your idea could be run from home.

Credit: Leverage EDU

2. Research

Research will become your best friend as you start your own business, especially if you don’t have much background experience in your company’s field. For example, I have a lot of experience in the corporate field, but I had very little knowledge about the beauty industry until I started my own research. Research is tedious, and you might not know what you should be looking for at first. When it comes to your business, you should always be knowledgeable about market demand, your competitors, your company’s value proposition, and your target market. This information allows you to know what’s going on in your general field. Learning from your competitors allows you to learn from their successful models, but also helps you create your own individual business personality. What aspects do they lack? What do their customers want to see? How can you do better than your competitors? The only way to learn this is by conducting research. Learning about market demand is also critical when creating a successful business. Your business relies on your customers and their positive experiences. It will be almost impossible to do well if there aren’t enough people who want to buy your product or service. Research is also critical when figuring out your startup costs and when testing out your business idea.

Credit: JO Consulting

3. Write a Business Plan

Creating a business plan might be one of the most time-consuming parts of becoming a small business owner. This is when your research will come in handy (and also a main reason why research is so important to business owners). Your business plan should include a summary and overview of your business, a market analysis, a description of your product or service, your marketing and sales plan, and your financial plan and future projections. You won’t know any of these unless you conduct proper research first. Your business plan not only helps you gain more understanding about your business, but it is also essential when trying to apply for funding or seek investors. You’re showing them that you have a funding plan and have considered all the risks. The more you know about your business and where you want to take it, the more other funders will trust your business’s projections.

Credit: Patriot Software

4. Choose a Name and Business Entity

Your business name should be something memorable. It’s the first thing potential customers will know about when they look up your business online. After coming up with a name, you have to make sure that it is available for your business’s website. There are so many different companies out there, and you can’t use their name for your own business. Next, you have to choose your business entity type, and the type you choose will affect how you will be taxed. This is the tedious and more boring part of starting up your own business that most will not tell you about. There are four different types of entities that you could choose from. The first type is a sole proprietorship, which is one that most small business owners choose. A sole proprietorship means that one person owns their own private business by themself. The second type is an LLC, which stands for limited liability company. Its members are not personally liable for their company’s debts or assets, so they essentially just work for a certain business. Next is a partnership, where two people own a single company and equally contribute money, property, labor or skill. They also share profits and losses. The last entity type is a corporation, which is a legal entity that is separate from its owners. A corporation can make a profit, be taxed, and be held legally liable. Choosing your company name and business entity also requires a lot of research, so make sure you understand what you’re choosing and why.

Credit: Biz Report

5. Get a Business License

A business license essentially proves to the state or government office that you are allowed to do business. It’s an official “okay” for you to start up your company. You can’t legally start your business ventures without one. There are several different licenses or permits you might need depending where you live, so make sure you conduct thorough research (another reason why business owners need research) before starting. A few examples of these licenses include a home occupation permit and a property use and zoning permit. A home occupation permit proves that you’re not adding significant traffic, noise, or harmful environmental conditions to your area by running your business. It’s proving to government officials that your business isn’t adding anything negative to the area you live in. A property use and zoning permit may be required in some residential areas that have strict zoning regulations. Make sure to check with your local or city government office to find out which regulations might apply to you. Other licenses include operating licenses, professional or trade licenses, and sales tax permits.

Credit: CreditDonkey

6. Separate Business and Personal Finances

A great thing about being a business owner is that your company’s profits are mostly your own. However, the downside of this is that you’re also in charge of your business’s finances. One great way to start this process is to open a business bank account. A lot of business owners make the mistake of using their personal account for their business. It gets hectic; it’s so much harder trying to separate your business and your personal finances in the same account. If you open a separate account, you’ll be able to distinctly recognize where your money is coming and going. You can use this money to pay suppliers, services, and employees, while also managing your personal assets and income. There are so many steps to becoming a business owner, so try to make it easier for yourself whenever you can. Opening a separate account is not only necessary, but also helps you become more organized when managing your business.

Being a business owner is hard, and most people don’t talk about the struggles you might face as you start your own journey. It’s difficult at times, and there is so much risk involved, but trust me, it will be worth it in the end. There’s a reason why so many people want to become business owners. You just have to know about the struggles you’ll face and the steps involved. And yes, there is a lot of information you need to learn before jumping into the small business owner world, and it can get tedious at times, but you will thank yourself for being prepared.

If you want to learn more about my journey as a small business owner, check out the rest of my website at Or if you want to learn about my bridal agency, visit my website at

Barbie Patel

Barbie is a serial entrepreneur with extensive experience in Marketing, Beauty, Branding, and Manufacturing.

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