The Ultimate Guide to Makeup Expiration Dates

Be honest… who here has had the same tube of mascara in their makeup bag for a year now? Or who here did not even know your makeup expires? We’re all guilty of keeping makeup long past its expiration date, but it’s time we change that. Regularly cleaning out your makeup and checking for its expiration date is very important for many reasons. Expired makeup can cause eye infections and skin irritations that lead to breakouts, rashes, and more. I made a list for you of all different kinds of makeup and their expiration dates, so you don’t have any more excuses as to why you’re using expired makeup.

Mascara: 3 Months

Now this one might come as a shocker to most. Mascara expires so quickly because of its liquid consistency and exposure to air while you are using it. It is extremely important to replace this product every three months because it can lead to damage in your eye.

Foundation: 1 Year

Although they have a little bit of a longer life, foundations still expire faster than what we use them typically. Be sure to consistently check the texture, smell, and color of your foundation. If any of these things start to change, it is time to throw it out and start fresh. If you are someone with sensitive or acne prone skin, be sure to swap out your foundation every 6 months.

Lipstick: 1 Year

Lipstick is another product that has a long life to it. Before every use, check the color and the texture of it. When your lipstick begins to dry, that’s your sign to throw it out.

Powders: 2 Years

Any sort of powered blush or bronzer and eyeshadows can last up to 2 years. If you properly care for them and keep them closed after you use them, they will last for a long time. Another tip to making your powders last longer is by using a clean makeup brush every time. This ensures that no bacteria and built up product from your brush get into your product.

Liquid Eyeliner: 3 Months

Because liquid eyeliner has the same consistency as mascara, you should replace it about every 3 months. Products that are used around the eye need to be often switched out to prevent any infections. Although, pencil eyeliner can last you up to 2 years because it is not a liquid.

Concealer: 1 Year

Liquid concealers have a similar consistency as foundation; therefore, they can last up to a year. If you have a power consistency, it will last up to two years just like the other powdered products. If your concealer begins to crack or change colors, it is expired.


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