5 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Makeup Wipes

Yes, we can all agree that we hate the process of taking our makeup off after a full day of wearing it or a night out. It is especially annoying to take it off when you are so ready to just hop into bed and deal with it in the morning, but we all know the number rule is to NEVER SLEEP WITH MAKEUP ON. Even though makeup wipes are a fast way to take off your makeup, your skin will still suffer consequences when you use them.

Here are 5 reasons why you should get rid of your makeup wipes:

  1. Irritation: When you use makeup wipes to remove the makeup on your skin, your skin can easily become irritated and red. When you viciously rub your makeup off, you are pulling at the surface of skin and causing irritation. It is advised that you just double cleanse rather than using a makeup wipe to take off the products on your face.

  2. Breakouts: It is no secret that these wipes can cause breakouts. The wipes only take the makeup off of the surface of your skin; therefore, your pores will become clogged and you will breakout from all of the other dirt and oil left on your skin.

  3. Speed up Aging: Using makeup wipes can actually cause excessive skin dehydration and strip your skin of its natural oils. This process can lead to aging a lot quicker than expected. It is important to establish yourself an alternate makeup removing routine in order to prevent aging.

  4. Ineffective: Just because you think you can see all of the makeup that you were wearing on the wipe does not mean you got it all off. Makeup wipes actually just move the makeup all around your face making it seem like it all came off.

  5. Bad for the environment: It is important to attempt to reduce the amount of waste that we contribute to the environment. It can take hundreds of years for one makeup wipe to decompose. There are so many other alternatives to a makeup wipe that we can use to prevent such a harmful thing from happening.


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