Toner vs. Tonic: How They are Different

Although they may have a similar appearance, toners and tonics serve very different purposes on your skin. Depending on your skin type, you are able to incorporate both products in your skincare routine or just one of them.

The purpose of a toner is to create an extra cleaning step for your skin. It will remove any extra dirt or bacteria off of your skin that your cleanser did not do. Toners work well for individuals with oily or irritated skin. It is essential to use a toner after you have worn makeup all day tp prevent future breakouts.

Tonics are typically a heavier product. Most tonics contain rose water and hyaluronic acid. Tonics open up your pores to prepare your skin for the hydration step in your skincare routine. Tonics serve as a hydration part in your skincare routine. Tonics will boost the glow appearance in your skin.

How do I know which product to use? If you are someone with oily or acne prone skin, you should lean more toward using a toner in order to clean your skin again. If you are someone with more mature or dry skin, a tonic would work best on your skin. as an additional hydration step.


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