How to Properly pack your Makeup for a Destination Wedding: 8 Expert Tips


Preparing to fly is never a simple task as it requires you to triple check that you have everything organized and that it follows the TSA guidelines. More specifically, packing your makeup for air travel is a task that cannot be taken lightly. Makeup can be easily broken or smashed , or the people in TSA could take it from you if it does not follow the guidelines for travel; therefore, properly packing your makeup is essential to have a seamless travel day.

  • Invest in a thick, padded Makeup Bag

The purpose of having a makeup bag with padding is because it is the most protective for your products. This will prevent your glass bottles from smashing and your palettes from getting crushed. I also suggest that you put your makeup bag in the middle of your suitcase/carry-on and surround it with your clothes for extra protection. You can never be too safe! If you have the ability to, you should splurge on a good quality makeup bag so your not having to rebuy the products that broke. A makeup bag is something that you only have to purchase once, if you get something of good quality.

Amazon’s Choice Makeup Bag

  • Purchase small, refillable Bottles

Small bottles allows you to condense your products into the exact amount that you need instead of bringing a big bottle that is not within TSA guidelines. Another reason for the plastic bottles is that it allows you to pour the products from your glass foundation bottles into it. This will decrease the chances of it breaking or exploding.

Amazon’s Choice Travel Bottle Set

  • Organize your Products

There is no need to bring EVERYTHING! Plan out your makeup looks and only bring those products. Bringing excess makeup will only increase the chances of something exploding or breaking. Bringing less is more in this case.

  • Seal your bottles with tape

Something that I do every time I travel is seal my bottles with tape. I tape the cap onto the bottle firmly, or I cover the hole of the bottle with tape if it does not have a cap. This will prevent your makeup from spilling out and ruining other products or items that you have in your bag.

  • Protect your Powders

Just because they’re not in a glass bottle does not mean they can’t break! Powders can crack and get crushed easily. One way to protect your powders is by putting a cotton pad on the inside to prevent it from cracking.

Amazon’s Best Seller Cotton Rounds

  • Bubble Wrap your Airbrush Kit

These machines are oddly shaped and expensive. Bubble wrapping this delicate item will be your best bet when traveling with your airbrush kit. Make sure it is easily accessible at the airport in case it gets flagged when going through security.

Amazon’s Choice Bubble Wrap

  • Never Check your Makeup Bag

Never check your makeup bag!!! Have you seen the way your bags are handled in the airport? Your bags are thrown under the plane with no consideration of what might be in them. If you check your makeup bag, you are almost guaranteed to have some sort of spillage, breaking, or cracking of the products. It is not worth the extra aggravation.

Don’t forget to check out our YouTube video titled “How to Pack Your Professional Makeup and Hair Kit (TRAVEL ON A PLANE)” for more tips on how to properly pack for your big trip!


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